The boys fight a lich and meet the King again. Hopefully they will not die. Starring: Winston as Lenny, Chris as Dragonface, Andrew as Mizetto, Tony as High King Seebo, and Clark as the… King Eternal (???)

The boys fight a lich and meet the King again. Hopefully they will not die. Starring: Winston as Lenny, Chris as Dragonface, Andrew as Mizetto, Tony as High King Seebo, and Clark as the… King Eternal (???)
Mass Combat Comes back to Renob as the boys go to head to head with some horrible goonies of the Land Eternal. Starring: Tony as the High King Seebo, Winston as Lenny Swifthands, Chris as Dragonface, Andrew as Mizetto, and Clark as the DM
The gang arrives back at Eveton to figure out what happened to Guard Captain Lanius and the princesses that came before Evelyn. Mizetto gets put on the chopping block for not preparing the right spells, and makes up for it almost instantly. The Goons finally nail the King’s first name. Starring: Andrew as Mizetto, Tony…
Heist time! Will the sneaky carnival thieves pull of the most poorly planned caper of a lifetime? Probably! Starring: Chris as the Brawn, Winston as the Mouth, Tony as the Brains, and Andrew as Mizetto Also the DM Clark was there