Join the gang in our premium season, throw some money at us and listen to us conquer White Plume Mountain! Go Here:

Join the gang in our premium season, throw some money at us and listen to us conquer White Plume Mountain! Go Here:
As soon as Season 2 came to a close, the boys and I got together and talked about our experience. We had a good time, and we hope you did too! Starring: Andrew, Chris, Clark, Tony, and Winston
Long live the King! Part 2 of 2. Also, stick around after the theme for some at the tavern talk! Starring: Andrew as Mizetto the Dwarven Cleric, Chris as Dragonface the Dragonborn Fighter, Tony as the High King Seebo the Wizard Gnome, Winston as Lenny Swifthands the Half-Elf Rogue, and Clark as the Dee Em
Long Live the King! Part 1 of 2 Starring: Andrew as Mizetto the Dwarven Cleric, Chris as Dragonface the Dragonborn Fighter, Tony as the High King Seebo the Wizard Gnome, and Clark as the GM
“You came here to kill us, and now you’re back with us. Just like oooooold tiiiiimes.” ~Dragonface Face the gang as they plan the final attack. Expect the finale next week! Starring: Tony as the High King Seebo, Andrew as Mizetto, Chris as Dragonface, Winston as Lenny Swifthands, and Clark as the DM