The roughs boys go in for the kill. Starring the Rough Boys and Pterodactyl Johnny Check out our pals at the brand new podcast Cheaper by the Dungeon at!

The roughs boys go in for the kill. Starring the Rough Boys and Pterodactyl Johnny Check out our pals at the brand new podcast Cheaper by the Dungeon at!
Lyra goes shopping. Mur’Dar yells. Muffuns does a wizard spell. Plick-Pluck says a few words. Starring the rough boys: Robert, Winst, Christopher, Anthony, and Clarke Also, check out our pals at The Beholders Eye Podcast! Here:
The gang finishes the fight with Mountain Dude and gets into another fight with an even more intimidating character. Things to not Expect on this Podcast #47: Respect for the Dead Starring the rough boys: Bobby, Chris, Clark, Tony, and Winston. And also our producer, Tyler Rolfe Check out our new friends at the d20…
The bad boys go at it this episode, in the Bobby Brother centric go of it. WHAT BECAME OF MOUNTAIN DUDE?! Starring: Winston as Muffuns, Chris as Mur’Dar, Tony as Plick-Pluck, Clark as Lyra, Bobby as the DM, and our producer Tyler Rolfe Also, check out our fellow boner boys at CSI: Neverwinter! Here:…
The gang all gets their reward for defeating Mountain Dude and some really serious stuff happens to some people that these amoral asshats don’t care about at all. Starring the rough boys: Chris, Clark, Tony, and Winston, and Bobby as the DM Also hear our wonderful pals at the Lawful Stupid Podcast! Here: