Category: Episodes

The episodes of the Legion of Renob Podcast!

January 19, 2022 The Legion of Renob No comments exist

This very special episode for a very special character who was exiled for good reason. Can the cast teach him a holiday lesson several weeks late? Starring: Chris, Winston, Tony, Bobby, and Clark

June 11, 2021 The Legion of Renob No comments exist

A hand in marriage, the start of a massive Civil War and there at the middle of it all is Cramwell! Join us on  Patreon  for as little as one dollar a month   Starring: Winston as Muffuns Tony as Plick Pluck Chris as Manu 1469 Bobby as Cramwell Immelnuuuuun Clark as the Dungeon Manager

March 26, 2021 The Legion of Renob No comments exist

The gang returns to an old favorite with a new twist: Speed running shrine busting! Plus they meet a new figure with a lot of important information that I’m sure Chris didn’t pay attention to. Support the show on  Patreon  for as little as one dollar a month   Starring: Winston as Muffuns Tony as Plick Pluck…

March 12, 2021 The Legion of Renob No comments exist

“Sorry for the delay!!!” Getting closer to the end of this dungeon crawl the boys stumble upon a robot guardian and chaos follows. Follow The Legion of Renob on Twitter  Support the show on  Patreon  for as little as one dollar a month   Starring: Winston as Muffuns Tony as Plick Pluck Chris as Mur’Dar Bobby as Cramwell…