Category: Episodes

The episodes of the Legion of Renob Podcast!

February 5, 2021 The Legion of Renob No comments exist

The boys dive deeper into the underbelly of Marla’na and discover they are not alone. Follow The Legion of Renob on Twitter  Support the show on  Patreon  for as little as one dollar a month   Starring: Winston as Muffuns Tony as Plick Pluck Chris as Mur’Dar Bobby as Cramwell Immelnuuuuun Clark as the Dungeon Manager The boys…

January 22, 2021 The Legion of Renob No comments exist

The boys deal with their new powers in strange ways. Follow The Legion of Renob on Twitter  Support the show on  Patreon  for as little as one dollar a month   Starring: Winston as Muffuns Tony as Plick Pluck Chris as Mur’Dar Bobby as Cramwell Immelnuuuuun Clark as the Dungeon Manager

December 30, 2020 The Legion of Renob No comments exist

Announcing an exciting new series: Winston’s Gameshow! Today’s episode features your favorite Renobians at each other’s throats as they argue aliens, terrorists and the Beastie Boys. If you enjoy the episode, you can check out future episodes plus Scooby-Doo episodes, deep dives, comic talk and much more at 

December 11, 2020 The Legion of Renob No comments exist

Snapping back to reality Muffins has a change of thought about the wish the boys were just about to make. Follow The Legion of Renob on Twitter  Support the show on  Patreon  for as little as one dollar a month   Starring: Winston as Muffuns Tony as Plick Pluck Chris as Mur’Dar Bobby as Cramwell Immelnuuuuun Clark as…

November 27, 2020 The Legion of Renob No comments exist

In a world twenty years after the tower of wishes conclusion, what chaos has been brought on the world. Welcome to Season Five Episode One of the Legion of Renob! Follow The Legion of Renob on Twitter  Support the show on  Patreon  for as little as one dollar a month  

October 30, 2020 The Legion of Renob No comments exist

The Boys have climbed the tower of wishes and now begin the final battle! Follow The Legion of Renob on Twitter  Support the show on  Patreon  for as little as one dollar a month   Starring: Winston as Muffuns Tony as Plick Pluck Chris as Mur’Dar Bobby as Cramwell Immelnuuuuun Clark as the Dungeon Manager Art by the…