A small handful of the Legion get together in these insane times to provide some much needed insanity in your life. Bobby, Winston, and Clark talk about one of the most Ambien filled episodes of Scooby-Doo, Where Are you? in the history of the show. Whose the bad guy? A tall grandpa. He doesn’t even…
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The gang is back after their long hiatus, after the horrifying melting of a man in cold blood (or hot acid). Featuring Winston as Muffuns the Kittling Artificer, Chris as Manu 1469 the centaur monk, Bobby as Cramwell Immemelneon the half-elf bard/cleric, and Plick-Pluck the kenku sorcerer Clark DMs again, yeh

Winston has a table at C2E2, Dec 10-12! Stop by table O-16 to get a drawing of your favorite character!

Rex Radley is an anthology series written and partially drawn by me. It’s a love letter to everything I’d want to read as a kid or now, so it’s full of giant robots, horrifying molemen, scheming apes, and much much more! On top of the comic you can get stickers, bookmarks, cloth patches, or commissioned…

I’ll just let Winston explain. Bless you all, I hope you are well. <3 Clark

The best is yet to come, and babe won’t that be fine? Sheri’s life keeps getting worse. Starring: Chris, Winston, Bobby, Tony, and Clark Thanks for the beautiful Muffuns art @Star! Go check out the Castoff Webcomic!

DND MAGIC! Bobby takes over as DM for the day, and pulls us through an adventure in Goodberry. There will be animals. There will be morphing. Starring: Clark, Winston, and Bobby as the DM, with special guest star from the Good Comedy Boys, Kyle Schwaba What better way to celebrate a Bobby DM then…

Due to technical issues, Chris had to remote in from the International Space Station. Woopsie Poopsie. Starring: Chris, Winston, Clark, Bobby, and Tony Thank you Star for this immense Plick Pluck! He probably comes from some kawii version of Brookland

The boys look fondly back on their “desert” adventure. Starring: Tyler, Chris, Tony, Winston, Bobby, and Clark “Overworld” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) “Vadodora” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

After some thorough soul searching, the gang finds another clue at the Goatee Theater Company and the deep below. Happy Valentines Day! Also, it’s your last chance to Kickstart Rex Radley, Boy Adventurer! Check it out right away, the kickstarter ends on the 18th at Noon CT! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/rexradley/rex-radley-boy-adventurer Special thanks for this excellent Muffuns art…