Who are these weirdos?

Current Legionnaires

Character: Mur'Dar
Race: Elf
Class: Eldritch Knight
About: Awakening from a slumber lasting centuries, Mur'Dar is one of the last Nighty Knights in existence. Adhering to a creed perhaps long-lost, Mur'Dar seeks the destruction of corrupt tyrants everywhere, by any means necessary. Standing well above most foes and clad in a mask echoing the intimidating maw of the tarrasque, Mur'dar is an intimidating force on the battlefield wielding both magic and vicious steel. Mur'Dar is CHAOTIC ""Good"".
Player: Chris
About: Chris is that guy who would CENSORED. Chris does not knows the rules of D and D; but does know the rules of sweet lady justice.

Character: Cramwell
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Bard, Cleric
About: Cramwell hails from the glorious East, East Empire (you should have heard about it by now). After leaving bard school (completely on his own volition), Cramwell eventually found himself donning regular clerical garb and performing regular clerical duties, regularly. Cramwell's favorite pastimes include drinking and "trying new things". Cramwell is Chaotic Good.
Player: Bobby
About: Bobby is the newest addition to the Renob crew and has proven to be an overflowing source of hilarity and off-kilter characters.

Character: Benson Muffuns
Race: Kitling
Class: Artificer (Alchemist)
About: Muffuns comes from the land of Woodsof. He graduated too of his class and went to magic school. Then magic grad school. Afterwards he began researching magical weapons for the Woodsof military, until he discovered The Magicae Chronos, a mysterious tome with unbelievable power. Seeing its potential for misuse, Muffuns took it and fled. Now Muffuns lives a life on the run, always looking over his shoulder and trying to find a way to destroy The Magicae Chronos. Muffuns is Neutral Good.
Player: Winston
About: Winston is a graphic designer and illustrator who created all the beautiful drawings you see around the site. Handsome, charming, and humble.

Character: Plick Pluck
Race: Kenku
Class: Shadow Sorcerer
About: Plick Pluck is an old crow who cut his teeth on the hard streets of NoHoldsBard. An outsider in a strange land, Plick Pluck eventually fell under the wing of a group of other ruffians. As pressure from the local guards grew and the group collapsed, Plick Pluck and his mentor sought a legitimate means of support. Working side-by-side, Plick Pluck and his mentor made a name for themselves as mercenaries and intelligence gatherers; that is until they were set upon by a shadowy figure at the end of an already grinding job in the bowels under the Arcane University of NoHoldsBard. The incident left Plick Pluck changed on a basic level, soon finding he could call forth the powers of magic. Bent but not broken, Plick Pluck ventures forth in search of a new gig and whoever, or whatever, cost him his last. Plick Pluck is Chaotic Neutral.
Player: Tony
About: Tony may or may not be a wizard. With the most gaming experience Tony assists with rules and provides a healthy dose of wizardly bullshit (and timely technical support).

Dungeon Master: Clark
About: Not much is known about the mysterious DM besides the fact that he hates the sound of his own voice and that he stutters like a broken carburetor. Clark fights the good fight, editing the podcast for your listening enjoyment.
Honorary Legionnaires

Name: Andrew
About: Andrew played Mizetto in the first two seasons of the Legion of Renob as well as several side characters for our various one-offs. He still occasionally drops by to offer colorful commentary and to offset the Dragon-parts menace (potentially saving Renob in the process). Andrew, like Mizetto, is the stoic one on the team. Basically he's our Boba Fett.

Name: Tyler
About: Tyler is our producer. There are those who say that you will never be as cool as him.
Past Characters

Character: Dragonface
Player: Chris
Race: Dragonborn
Class: Fighter
About: Dragonface is a dual trident wielding asshole whose sole purpose in life is murdering things, soiling things, or notarizing things. He may or may not deal in Dwarven slavery. BLEEEUUUGGHGHH! Dragonface is CHAOTIC ""Neutral"".

Character: Mizetto
Player: Andrew
Race: Dwarf
Class: Cleric
About: Mizetto is a Dwarven Cleric from the order of the beautiful beard. Having seen his family enslaved by dragonborn he ventures forth with greater purpose. Quite possibly the sanest guy on the team, he still follows Lenny Swifthands for some reason. Mizetto is Lawful Good.

Character: Lenny Swifthands
Player: Winston
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Rogue
About: All Lenny wants is money honey. Could his scheme of becoming king of the pirates actually pan out? Or will the audience realize he even stole that idea? Lenny can smooth talk his way out of most anything and has swifthands to match, the archetypal rogue. Lenny is Chaotic Neutral.

Character: High King Seebo
Player: Tony
Race: Gnome
Class: Illusion Mage
About: High King Seebo travels the land with his trusted screech owl familiar Sergio in search of any survivors from his destroyed civilization in the forest of Gerbo. All Seebo knows is that a dragonborn killed his people in search of dwarven slaves. Seebo is a bit of an outsider having spent most of his time in the forests with his people and is always interested in learning new things. His time in the woods shows as Seebo is at times quite bizarre and pulls the occasional prank. High King Seebo is Chaotic Good.