Category: Podcasts

Various podcasts we’re publishing through the Legion of Renob!

August 8, 2018 The Legion of Renob No comments exist

The bad boys go at it this episode, in the Bobby Brother centric go of it. WHAT BECAME OF MOUNTAIN DUDE?! Starring: Winston as Muffuns, Chris as Mur’Dar, Tony as Plick-Pluck, Clark as Lyra, Bobby as the DM, and our producer Tyler Rolfe   Also, check out our fellow boner boys at CSI: Neverwinter! Here:…

August 1, 2018 The Legion of Renob No comments exist

The gang all gets their reward for defeating Mountain Dude and some really serious stuff happens to some people that these amoral asshats don’t care about at all. Starring the rough boys: Chris, Clark, Tony, and Winston, and Bobby as the DM     Also hear our wonderful pals at the Lawful Stupid Podcast!  Here:

July 17, 2018 The Legion of Renob No comments exist

These boys make they way into the coliseum and meet some interesting character.  A general manager. And we allll know what that means. Starring the rough boys: Bobby, Chris, Clark, Winston, and Tony Also shoutouts to Ronnie and Andrew, honorary rough boys. Also special shoutout to our friends and fellow podcasters at the Beholder’s Eye…

July 8, 2018 The Legion of Renob No comments exist

The gang fights some guards for a good while, barely getting through their shields while making their way towards an illegal gambling coliseum. Starring: Winston as Benson Muffins the Kittling Alchemist Wizard, Tony as Plick-Pluck the Kenku Sorcerer, Chris as Mur’Dar the Elven Eldritch Knight, Clark as Lyra the Human Rogue Bard Fighter, and Bobby…

June 19, 2018 The Legion of Renob No comments exist

The gang goes trouncing across the desert. Starring:  Chris as Mur’Dar, Winston as Muffuns, Tony as Plick-Pluck, Bobby as Cramwell Eeemelnuoun, and Clark as the DM   Also, check out our new friends from the podcast How the Quest Was Won! at

June 15, 2018 The Legion of Renob No comments exist

A mid-arc episode, the gang take a breather at the bazaar to get their just reward, and talk to Melora about where they sit on the chaotic-lawful-evil-good chart.  Sheri talks about her contributions to the team and how they should move forward and Chris and Mur’Dar just hate the whole thing. Starring: Chris as Mur’Dar,…

May 30, 2018 The Legion of Renob No comments exist

The boys find the shine in the fort which is a port.  Sheri stands there.  Cramwell is still a cat. Starring: Winston as Muffuns, Chris as Mur’Dar, Tony as Plick-Pluck, Bobby as Cramwell Ehmynyouon, and Clark as the DM Check out our friends at the Steam Rollers Adventure Podcast for some more RPG goodness!

May 15, 2018 The Legion of Renob No comments exist

Caged no longer! Muffuns has a daring escape plan that goes awry! Grathum’s true identity is revealed and it is mildly disappointing!  Cramwell avoids the trombone for a whole episode!   Starring: Tony as Plick-Pluck, Chris as Mur’Dar, Winston as Muffuns, Bobby as Cramwell, and Clark as the DM.   Check out our friends a…

April 27, 2018 The Legion of Renob No comments exist

Listen to the Bobby brothers be the insane voices in Dragonface’s head, and the season 1 characters make a brief appearance! Starring: Bobby, Chris, Clark, Tony, Tyler, and Winston Want more Everyone is John? Listen to the original episode: