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February 8, 2019
The Legion of Renob

Poddy Doo Where are You?: A Creepy Tangle in the Bermuda Triangle

Clark apologizes for the lack of episode this week, and begs your forgiveness by using a blood pact to summon the secondary podcast, and invokes the name of COMMANDER STERN, TRUE AMERICAN HERO.   If you want more hard hitting content like this, check out https://www.patreon.com/legionofrenob! Over 20 hours of bonus content!
February 2, 2019
The Legion of Renob

Desert of the Demilich Episode 44: Stolen Time Part 2

In this special episode of this dungeons and dragons podcast, the gang tries to figure out what the heck is going on with their brains.  Tony is heavily featured this episode!

This very special art created by Professor_Cod on the discord! Thanks friend! Muffuns has never looked more powerful.

January 24, 2019
The Legion of Renob

Desert of the Demilich Episode 43: Stolen Time Part 1

Everyone is back together again for the start of a new arc!

Starring: Winston as Muffuns the Kittling Alchemist Wizard, Tony as Plick-Pluck Kenku Sorcerer, Bobby as Cramwell the Cleric with a splash of bard, Chris as Mur’Dar the Elven Eldritch Knight, and Clark as the Dungeon Master

This week we have an ad from our friends at the Lucky Die Podcast!  Check them out, we love ’em! https://theluckydie.com/

Also, special thanks to our long time friend Chakwaina for this wonderful art piece!

Here there be Dragonfaces...