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February 21, 2018
The Legion of Renob

Desert of the Demilich Episode 13: Crappy Times in the Golden City Part 5

A slight retcon, a bit of booty talk, and a whole lot of roleplay. This arc keeps getting sexier. Starring: Winston as the GM, Chris as Mur’Dar, Tony as Plick-Pluck, Bobby as Cramwell, Clark as Skullet, and Tyler Rolfe
February 13, 2018
The Legion of Renob

Desert of the Demilich Episode 12: Crappy Times in the Golden City Part 4

WINSTON CAN NOT BE STOPPED. In a slightly shorter episode, the gang continues their sewer exploration to find the Crows. Skullet solves a puzzle. Mur’Dar actually doesn’t threaten a dude, even though Winston said he did. Cramwell makes a poor sales pitch. Plick-Pluck regrets.

Starring all those crazy characters and Tyler Rolfe a little bit

February 7, 2018
The Legion of Renob

Desert of the Demilich Episode 11: Crappy Times in the Golden City Part 3

This one gets dirty. Better watch out.

Starring: Winston as the DM, Tony as Plick-Pluck, Bobby as Cramwell Immelnuoun, Clark as Skullet Hamhawks, and Chris as Mur’Dar

Here there be Dragonfaces...