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November 15, 2016
The Legion of Renob

Legion of Renob Episode 2d7: Buh-Bye Badbarians

You know what a good solution to organized crime is? Protests? Neighborhood watch? No, the goobs said, lets go with a murder hole. Starring: Andrew as Mizetto, Winston as Lenny Swifthands, Tony as High King Seebo, Chris as Dragonface, and Clark as the sole witness A dungeons and dragons podcast!
November 11, 2016
The Legion of Renob

(Fan) Art Friday: Dragonface and the King Eternal

Here’s the image that Winston made on a note card of Dragonface talking about the assassins that went after the King, using a severed hand as a puppet. Rest in peace that guy.


November 9, 2016
The Legion of Renob

Legion of Renob Episode 2d6: Who are the Badbarians?

The team decides, after much debate, to deal with the Badbarian threat. Heaven knows what that means.

Starring: Chris as Dragonface, Tony as HK Seebo, Winston as Lenny Swifthands, Andrew as Mizetto, and Clark as the real greaser among you.

Here there be Dragonfaces...